
Future Horizons

For a very long time the Territory and in particular Darwin, has been leading the country in Capital Growth.

This has been a very good thing for Darwin investors as it allows them to use the equity that has been created to look at investing not only in Darwin but in the southern states as well.

Astute Darwin investors have realised they now have an opportunity that very few in the rest of the country have.

Property owners have had major capital growth in their Darwin properties over the last few years, whilst the southern states have seen very little growth and they are now using that equity, in their Darwin properties to not only invest in Darwin, but also to buy into the southern markets,  often into projects that were priced up to 2 years ago, that have not yet seen price increases.

To add further value to their investment, many Territorians are choosing to buy property in a Self Managed Super Fund. (An SMSF)

“We are being asked more and more often about investing in property through Super, but until now we have not felt comfortable about advising clients on this topic” said Daniel Harris, Director of Projects at Real Estate Central.

“This is why we have asked Fionn Hurley of Australasian Property Corporation to hold a series of Information Evenings and private appointments with our clients and buyers”

“Fionn conducts these information evenings around the country and has, at his disposal, all of the information you need to make an informed choice.”

Real Estate Central has run 3 evenings in the last week and over 120 of our clients have attended.

“This is no surprise,” said Mr Hurley “As our Territory based clients are often the first to take advantage of changing market conditions.”

“I think it is a combination of the steady demand for property, in the Territory and that Northern Spirit of self belief and independence”.

Territorians understand the need to reduce risk, by investing both within and outside the Territory, with increasing numbers investing in Melbourne and Brisbane.

“But regardless of where you buy, we only recommend properties that are cash positive and we only offer properties that have their income underwritten.” said Mr Hurley

“For example our Darwin Properties have a 2 year rent guarantee, our Melbourne properties have a 5 year rent guarantee and our Brisbane properties have a state and federal government grant for 10 years.”

Therefore when you take into consideration the income underwriting and in addition you consider the tax benefits in relation to Capital Gain or Income, if you buy within a SMSF, it’s no wonder that so many people are looking at the advantages of doing so.”

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Future Horizons